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Get Ready for Christmas with a Pre-Christmas Detox - The Klinik

Pre-Christmas Detox

Pre-Christmas Detox

With Christmas fast approaching over-indulgent client lunches, dinners, parties, mulled wines and mince pies are upcoming! Your poor digestive system and liver will have to deal with a huge toxic overload and your detoxification organs will be under a lot of stress during the festive season! We think it is a good idea to do a little detoxing before Christmas!!!

Christmas Trees

Don’t worry, we are not talking about a juice fast! A detoxification plan doesn’t have to be completely restrictive and boring. Actually, it should be tasty and easy. We believe that the if the food tastes yummy and it is simple to prepare you are more likely to stick to your plan.

Our definition of our Pre-Christmas Detox is pretty simple: remove the foods and ingredients that have the highest toxic load and replace with simple, fresh foods that you would find in the hunter-gatherer diet, that grow on trees and in the ground.

Here’s a snapshot of what to eat and what not to eat during your detox.

EAT (all items should be organic)
whole vegetables, leafy greens
whole fruits, berries, lemon water
brown rice, quinoa
beans, legumes, lentils
nuts, seeds, & nut butters
avocado & coconut oil
green tea, yerba mate,
fish, eggs, chicken and turkey*

all gluten (wheat, corn, oat, spelt, rye)
beef, pork, sausage, cold cuts
corn, soy
dried fruit
coffee, soda, alcohol
sugar including artificial sweeteners and honey

*We suggest you follow a plant based hypoallergenic diet. If you prefer to include animal protein, stick with fish, poultry and eggs only.
**Use stevia in moderation. No other sweeteners are permitted.
Detox for one day a week, a week or more. Your body will benefit from it regardless. The great thing about a detox is that you can achieve results in a very short time. Depending on how healthy – or toxic – you are, you will notice some withdrawal symptoms, like headaches, tiredness and mood swings. The first days are the worst, and then it only gets better. You’ll feel more energised, your digestion and skin is likely to improve, and the pounds will drop off!

November Recipe: Bean, sweet potato and red pepper soup

Bean, sweet potato and red pepper soup

Rosaria created this very satisfying soup, it contains protein and complex carbohydrates for a nutritional balanced main course! Just add a slice of heart, whole -grain bread or some oat cakes and you have an
easy, nourishing meal.

Ingredients – Makes 6 Servings

1 tin of haricot beans, drained and rinsed
800 ml of low salt vegetable stock ( Organic Swiss Vegetable Vegan Bouillon Powder)
4 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 cups diced onion
2 diced celery
2 cups diced carrots
3 large garlic cloves, finely chopped/minced
2 red bell peppers, seeded and diced

1. Steam sweet potatoes
2. In a large pan, heat olive oil. Add onion, celery, carrots, peppers and haricot beans and garlic. Sautée until soft
3. Blend sweet potatoes, sautéed vegetables and beans with vegetable stock, turmeric and nutmeg
4. Season with Himalayan salt and pepper or fresh chillies for an extra kick

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