Private Tuition

Welcome to The Klinik’s Private Tuition services, where the support of your personal fitness goals and well-being is our focus.

With Private Pilates Tuition available, The Klinik offers warm, airy studio space for dedicated one to one private tuition. Here the focus is on providing individual attention and professional teaching in the understanding and practice of movements, postures and breathing techniques, to support personal progress. Private tuition also provides personalised guidance to develop and establish bespoke Pilates routines as appropriate to health goals.

Private tuition is ideal for those:

  • New to the practice of Pilates.
  • Needing support to progress to another level.
  • Requiring specific support in working through an injury or recovering from illness.
  • Looking to establishing a level of physical fitness and flexibility alongside a medical condition, such as arthritis.
  • Seeking one to one guidance to establish a fitness routine with specific benefits to holistic health and well-being.

Private tuition is also available to couples and can be an efficient way of establishing a fitness routine and mastering techniques, with instant guidance and feedback from the instructor.

The Klinik also welcomes private group bookings from companies keen to support their staff with fitness. With group Pilates also available, company private tuition can help employers demonstrate dedication to staff welfare, particularly for employees in sedentary or physically demanding roles. Pilates private group tuition can be used to teach staff to minimise their body stress through mastering a range of suitable stretches, improving flexibility and reducing problems associated with sedentary and demanding roles. Supporting general well-being with Pilates can also help to improve concentration, enhance staff motivation and reduce instances of stress-related illness.

Private tuition for Pilates is open to all our customers of any age or level of experience, so please ask any of The Klinik staff if you would like more information or wish to speak to one of our specialist instructors.