Central London Acupuncture
Acupuncture originated in China and other Far Eastern cultures where it still features in mainstream healthcare, both as a stand-alone therapy and in combination with conventional western medicine. Rooted in Taoist philosophy, the Five Element acupuncture system is over 2000 years old, yet in many ways is more applicable today than ever before. Central London acupuncture at Pilates Klinik will introduce the benefit of this ancient treatment to your life.
According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health depends on a smooth and balanced flow of vital energy or ‘Qi’. This flow can become blocked for reasons such as lifestyle, emotional or environmental changes, which can then result in symptoms of pain and illness. Acupuncture seeks to maintain the body’s equilibrium through the insertion of very fine needles into specific points to free up and regulate the flow of energy.
Five Element Acupuncture is used for a wide range of conditions, but the effect of good acupuncture is more than simply addressing the symptoms of ill health. Through looking at the root cause as well as symptoms, it can also help to increase a sense of overall wellbeing.
Facial acupuncture, often called the natural alternative to injectables, is another branch of acupuncture that was developed thousands of years ago as a beauty treatment for the Empresses of China. The Chinese recognised that a healthy mind and body shows in the face, so this treatment is aimed at all levels to reduce signs of ageing and restore a more youthful glow.
Leonie Profit (MBAcC, LicAc, BA Hons, FEA)
Leonie is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC) and graduated with a First class B.A. (Hons) degree from the College of Traditional Acupuncture. She went on to work at the prestigious Kite clinic in London, one of the UK’s leading acupuncture practices, and now runs her own practice at Pilates Klinik.
She has trained with experts in the field of Five Element acupuncture and Facial acupuncture and also works together with Mr Luciano Nardo, Consultant in Gynaecology, Reproductive medicine and Surgery and founder of the Gyne Health clinic.
As well as Five Element and Facial acupuncture, Leonie is qualified in Tui Na, an ancient and versatile massage technique, traditionally used for musculo-skeletal conditions and internal issues, such as poor digestion and stress. In her practice Leonie uses it as a complement to acupuncture treatment and to treat those who are less comfortable with needles.
Amanda Lanchbery BA(Hons) LicAc MBAcC
Amanda Lanchbery trained for three years at the London Institute of Five Element Acupuncture under acclaimed acupuncture master, Gerad Kite (founder of the Kite Clinic), and is a fully accredited and insured member of the British Acupuncture Council. She is also committed to continuing her professional development, and has completed further training in obstetric and fertility acupuncture.
Amanda Lanchbery decided to train in Five Element acupuncture after experiencing the benefits of treatment first hand several years ago. Amanda believes passionately in the use of acupuncture as an effective holistic healing method, and has enjoyed being able to see the many benefits in her patients through treatment.
Amanda is also a trained children and adults yoga teacher.
Please email info@pilatesklinik.co.uk to find out more
Frequently Asked Questions
It is advisable not to have a large meal within an hour of your appointment so that it’s easier to lie on your stomach, and so that most of your blood isn’t being directed to that part of your body in order to digest your food. It’s also a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothes so it’s easier for your practitioner to access acupuncture points.
When carried out by a licensed practitioner, the chance of experiencing side effects from acupuncture is low, but there is a slight risk of pain and bleeding from the insertion of acupuncture needles. Other people might experience skin rashes or nausea.
The number of acupuncture sessions required to treat a specific condition will vary from person to person. Your acupuncturist will determine your treatment plan after an initial consultation. Most people start to feel benefits from acupuncture after just 1-3 sessions, but it may be longer for others.
Most people find acupuncture relaxing and experience a feeling of calm and wellbeing after treatment. There is a possibility that you might feel relaxed to the point of being tired, which should be taken into account when you’re planning the rest of your day after a session.
It is also advisable not to drink alcohol and refrain from vigorous exercise after treatment. Making sure you get plenty of rest will maximise the benefit of your treatment.
Some have the misconception that acupuncture will hurt, but most people won’t experience any pain at all. For some there is a tingling sensation where the needles are inserted, or a dull ache around the base of the inserted needle. Any soreness that you might feel after acupuncture treatment normally dissipates after 24 hours.