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The Pilates Klinik Academy | Pilates Instructor Training | Pilates Klinik

The Pilates Klinik Academy

The Pilates Klinik will soon be unveiling its very own flagship course: Dynamic Reformer Pilates Teacher Training.

Do you want to learn how to maximise the potential of the Reformer Pilates machine, qualifying you to provide clients with high quality movement experiences in both classes and one to one sessions? The Pilates Klinik Academy will teach you to how to use one of the most adaptable and effective pieces of exercise equipment – the Pilates Reformer machine – from one the market leaders in Dynamic Reformer Pilates.

Our 5 day Dynamic Reformer course will be designed to provide you with an expert understanding of the principles and techniques necessary to use the Reformer effectively in rehabilitative, corrective and functional settings. The Pilates Klinik Academy is currently going through the Register of Exercise Professionals endorsement process so that those who complete the course will receive REP points. The REP is the largest independent public register for the Health and Fitness Industry in the UK.

Our background

Established in 2008, our boutique Pilates, fitness, health and wellness centre is located in the heart of the City of London, and there’s no better place to learn from our talented Pilates instructors. Our welcoming facilities also include a wide variety of complementary therapies that come together to create a truly holistic approach to body and mind, including massage, health coaching, an allergy and health test clinic and more.

Through successful completion of the Dynamic Reformer Pilates Teacher Training course, graduates will learn how to teach an extensive range of Dynamic Reformer Pilates exercises to continually challenge and develop clients, including mobility, core/abdominal, lower and upper body movements. You will learn how to ‘layer’ exercises and deliver exercise progressions and regressions, while sequencing exercises into a dynamic flow.

By the end of the course you will be able to understand and apply modified exercises based upon basic pathologies, including pre and post-natal conditions. You’ll learn how to use verbal, visual and kinaesthetic cues to engage your clients and create ever-evolving class plans to keep things interesting.

The course is designed for:

  • Learn Mat Pilates teachers (L2 Qualified or above)
  • Personal trainers
  • Gym Instructors

The Pilates Klinik Dynamic Reformer certification will be a powerful addition to any repertoire of treatment and teaching tools. We’ll soon be releasing more specific information on the course, so don’t forget to check back here or follow us on our social media channels if you’re not already in the loop!